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Zakat Al-Fitr |
Zakat Al-Fitr or Sadaqat ul-fitr means "the purifying charity of breaking the fast". It is a prescribed amount of food given by the Muslims during the last few days of Ramadaan or on the morning of Eid prior to the prayer.
Wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr Zakat-ul-fitr was ordained by the Wise Legislator (subhaanahu wata'aalaa) for two reasons: a) to purify those who fasted, cleansing their fast from marring things such as indecent talk and minor sinning, b) to feed the poor Muslims so that they have enough provision during the Eid Ibn 'Abbas "The Messenger of Allaah Ruling Zakat al-fitr is a fard (obligation) for those capable of giving it.
This is stated clearly in the hadith of Ibn 'Umar "Allah's Messenger The hadith further indicates that it is an obligation for every (capable) Muslim individual, regardless of age or social status. The responsibility of giving out zakat-ul-fitr falls upon the
head of the household, he should give it on behalf of himself and those
under his care: young and old, male and female, free and slave.
Ibn 'Umar "Allaah's Messenger As for the person who doesn't have the financial ability to give it, he is exempt because of general text in the Qur'an and Sunnah, such as Allaah's (subhaanahu wata'aalaa) saying: "Allaah does not require from any soul more than its capacity ..." [Al-Baqarah: 286] And the hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah: "When I give you a command, do as much of it as you are capable."
& Muslim] Some scholars further require that it be given on behalf of a fetus. However, there is no evidence for this; and the fetus is not considered to be a young person – neither in the language nor the common understanding of people. Types The practice of the Prophet "(At the time of the Prophet The scholars differ in understanding the 'food' referred to
in this report. From this
report, it is easy to conclude that it refers to grains and other types
of food which can be measured with a container.
This is confirmed by various reports from the sahabah ( "The sadaqah of Ramadaan is one sa'aa of food. Thus, he who brings wheat, it will be accepted from him; he who brings barley, it will be accepted from him; he who brings dates, it will be accepted from him; he who brings rye, it will be accepted from him; he who brings raisins, it will be accepted from him..." [Ibn Khuzaymah with an authentic chain (Hilali)] The above hadiths further indicate that one may not give it in the form of money; nor may one give it using other types of food, such as meat or butter. Since it is an act of worship, it must be performed in accordance with the Sunnah. However, one may determine the approximate monetary value of the goods that he wants to give, and give that to an individual or organization that he trusts to buy the correct types. It is important that when it reaches the recipients, it is in a form permissible by the sunnah. Amount The above hadiths indicate that the amount of zakat-al-Fitr is
one sa'aa of the various types of food that can be measured.
There is one exception to this: In case of wheat, the Prophet The sa'aa was a fixed measure of capacity or volume.
It varied from one place to another; but the Prophet "Weights are according to Makkah's weights; and measures are
according to al-Madinah's measure." [Abu
Dawud and others from Ibn 'Umar, authentic (Al-Hilali)] Thus the amount should be measured according to Al-Madinah's
sa'aa, which is still available to this time.
However, this measure is not accessible to most people.
Because of this, many scholars have estimated it approximately to
four full handfuls (with the hands put together) of an average man.
in Al-Majmu'] This demonstrates that it is wrong to measure zakat-ul-fitr by weight, because weight of one sa'a varies for different materials, however, if the relationship between weight and capacity is determined for a specific material, the weight of one sa'aa of that material may then be used. Distribution Time to give it out As is clear from Ibn 'Abbas's report above, zakat al-fitr should be given on the 'Eid day, no later that the prayer. It has further been reported that Ibn 'Umar This provides a basis for giving it a few days before the Eid. But it is wrong to give it too early in the month of Ramadaan.
Doing that would conflict with its wisdom of being atonement of
the sins during the month, and provision for the needy on Eid; it
further conflicts with the practice of the sahabah ( However, it is permissible to give it early to those who collect it,
trusting that they would not deliver it to those who deserve it before
the end of the month. This
was done at the time of the sahaabah, when the collectors used to finish
collecting it one or two days before the Eid. [Ibn
khuzaymah (al-Hilali)] Collecting it It is permissible to appoint individuals to collect zakat-ul-fitr
from the people; it is also permissible to give from it to those
collectors if they need and deserve it.
Ibn 'Umar It is further recommended to appoint a person to take care of the
collected zakat-ul-fitr. The
Prophet "Allah's Messenger People who deserve it Zakat al-Fitr should be distributed to the miskeen (the needy), as was
stated in the hadith of Ibn 'Abbas A miskeen is not a person in complete poverty, but is one whose financial means are limited.