



Zakat and Ramadan Workshop

Sheikh Ghassan Abdel Fattah

Class Details/Lectures

Usool ut Tafseer

Sheikh Dr. Musa Nasr

Class Details/Lectures

The Methodology of the Ahlus Sunnah Wa Jama'ah

Sheikh Dr. Musa Nasr

Class Details/Lectures

Tafseer of Surah A'raf and Mawsuuatul Fiqhiyyah (Encyclopedia of Fiqh)

Sh. Husayn Al-Awayshah

Class Details/Lectures

Explanation of Fathul Al-'Aleem

Sh. Husayn Al-Awayshah

Class Details/Lectures

Tele-link Live Lecture at Masjid Ibrahim (Arabic/English):
Title: Golden Advice for those who say "don't keep contact with the Sheikhs of Shaam"

In this lecture Sheikh Mohammad Musa Nasr emphasizes the importance of connecting to the true scholars and students of knowledge. Sheikh Musa Nasr gives advice to those who are spreading talks like "we shouldn't connect to the Sheikhs of Shaam as there are some fitnah going on with regards to them." Sheikh says this is a false statement and the da'wah of Salafiyyah is clear and it has not changed in Shaam from the days of Sheikh Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaani and Ibn Uthaymeen (Rohimahumullaah). The Sheikh advices the non-Arab brothers to fear Allaah not to poke their nose in the matters that doesn't concern them. Finally he advised the brothers to translate, transcribe, record this lecture and post it for those who needs clarification with regards to the Sheikhs of Shaam.

Shaykh Muhammad Musa Nasr


Tele-link Live Lecture at Masjid Ibrahim (Arabic/English):
Title: Explanation of the hadith "Allaahumma lakal-Hamd, Anta Robbus-samaawaati..."

Shaykh Abdulmalik Ar-Ramadani


Various Lectures of Dr Muhammad Al-Jibaly

$t2 ) return 1; } function file_display($l_dir,$dirname) { $dh = opendir($l_dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) if ( fnmatch("*.mp3", $filename) ) $files[] = $filename; if(empty($files)) { return false; } array_values($files); //usort($files, "file_date_cmp"); sort($files); foreach ( $files as $f ) { //ereg("halwayshfiqh([0-9]{1,2})([A-Za-z]*)([0-9]{4})([A-Za-z]*).mp3", $f, $regs); echo "


"; //ereg("halwayshfiqh([0-9]{1,2})([A-Za-z]*)([0-9]{4}).mp3", $f, $regs); //echo "

$regs[2] $regs[1], $regs[3]

"; } closedir($dh); return true; } function isEmptyDir($dir){ return (($files = @scandir($dir)) && count($files) <= 2); } $lecture_dir2 = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lectures" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ."mjibaly"; if ($handle = opendir($lecture_dir2)) { //echo "Directory handle: $handle
"; //echo "Entries:

"; // This is the correct way to loop over the directory. while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { $entrypath= $lecture_dir2 . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry; if(is_dir($entrypath)) { if($entry !="." && $entry !=".." && $entry !="_vti_cnf") { if(!isEmptyDir($entrypath)) { echo "


"; file_display($entrypath, $entry); } } } } closedir($handle); echo"

"; } ?>

Dr Muhammad Al-Jibaly

Ashoora (Arabic)

Shaykh Fawaz Ahmad Zomerli

Side A

Side B

47' 43"

9' 37"

The Importance of Sunnah (Arabic/English)

Shaykh Ahmad Mustapha al-Mouzawak

Side A

45' 37"